Glitzy Goats, LLC
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Goatscaping is an eco-friendly and fun alternative to clearing land.

Goats are able to manage any poison ivy, kudzu, retaining walls, ledges, steep inclines, overgrown backyards, and any other invasive plant overtaking your yard.

Our kids quietly work away in your yard while keeping your land free from chemicals and providing compostable fertilizer. 

Our goats are kept safe in a simple fencing that is non-intrusive to your yard. Our fencing helps keep our kids in, and keep intruders out.

Finally, our kids are beautiful. Waking up to the subtle bleating of a goat will transport you to the countryside, and watching them work is a joy.

How does it work?

  • Customers rent goats by the day.
  • Our crew will clear about 1/4 acre per week.
  • We will come out and set up a electric fence if there is not already a fence.
  • They stay on site 24 hours a day and eat about 16 hours a day.
  • Goats will clear everything, except grass, from the ground to 5 feet. However they will leave larger woody stalks.

is it right for you?

  • Do you have land that is overgrown with unwanted brush, leaves, invasive species, English ivy, poison ivy or kudzu?
  • Low landscaping budget.
  • Rough terrain that people can't work in.
  • Are you looking for an eco-friendly solution free of herbicides.
  • Do YOU think goats are cute?



What Do they eat?

  • Poison Ivy
  • Kudzu
  • Poison Oak
  • Vines
  • Briers
  • English Ivy
  • Blackberry
  • Honey Suckle
  • Privet Hedge
  • Poison Sumac